Rosebery Kebab. These guys are up till 4 AM on the weekends feeding
us drunk and hungry college students. We love them. Their spicy sauce
I feel like shaking my fist at the sky: WHY? I mean.. c'mon. It's SUNNY but it's 2 degrees Celsius out!! Grrrrr...
I feel kinda like I'm stepping off a ski lift every time I step outside.. if only there was snow. Speaking of which, it's supposed to snow tomorrow.. how random is that? Snow in London, again.
As for life at LSE, hectic, but incredibly interesting. This week is AIDS week. Cool speakers from Zimbabwe, and students passing out flavored condoms on Houghton Street (LSE's main drag).
Classes are running along smoothly- we come to the end of the term dragging our feet, reluctant to read, brains stuffed with information. I think some of us are wondering why we did this to ourselves.
On a lighter note (no pun intended), I've joined an a capella group, and we'll be singing (hopefully) in LSE's Timeless; a school-wide performance that goes off in January in front of well over a thousand people. Should be fun- we're singing Jason Mraz's "I'm Yours".. I'm the bass. Hoorah, ladies and gentlement.
In the last couple of weeks life has been relatively repetitive. There WAS an awesome breakdancing dance off between yours truly and one of the other philosophy students (Mark) at The Big Chill last weekend.. no pictures to speak of yet.. only the stuff of legends. Suffice to say, Mark is a much better dancer. Nobody was harmed during the dancing though.. that was a plus. There was a lot of spilling afterwards-- I'm not sure why but slightly inebriated philosophers aren't the best at holding onto their drinks. I think one of us soaked the DJ with a bottle of champagne (yes, you know who you are, and NOW you're on the blog.. Muahahahaah).
Otherwise, a few random pictures of life in London, and ahh yes. This Saturday yours truly is heading into Central London to join a March on Parlaiment for Climate Change. Apparently Britain has already adopted some rather rigorous climate change legislation, but it's never bad to harass the government a little more when given the chance. I believe this will be the next topic. To all who take the time to read this, thanks for bearing with me (indeed, for putting up with my rambling). I promise substance the next time around ;)

Rough Trade: The Raddest Store in London
A lot of up and coming artists/ new music here.
Situated (of course) in the raddest part of town:
Brick Lane (Hey that's the place where I got my bike!)
Jordi Gives the Camera an Evil Smirk, while Professor Bovens
(the raddest philosopher I know) looks on.
FREE VEGETARIAN FOOD to the students from this little cart here.
The food is actually really good- The Krishnas don't try to preach, except
for a small poster about the benefits of vegetarianism.
Students will wait in line for 30 minutes for this food.. even in the rain.

Professor McGuinness's Sobering Lecture on the Real and Dire Situation that is
Climate Change.
More on this to follow.
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